OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Iso Cell Creation

The Iso Cell Creation ribbon group provides options to create or edit cells in the isometric template drawings:
Place Connect Point A connect point is a point where the cell connects to another cell or a pipe. Connect points are specified using the Place Connect Point tool. Connect points should be specified in a fixed order, depending on the geometrical layout of the component. Refer below examples to get an idea for the location and ordering for the different geometrical layouts
Place Intersection Point An internal point is a point where a direction change occurs or branching occurs within the cell.

Internal points are not used in connecting to other cells. Refer below examples to get an idea of the location of the internal points for the different geometrical layouts.

Place Origin Point The proper location for the origin point is of interest when the cell is to be used with Open Isometrics. Refer below examples to get an idea of the location for the different geometrical layouts.
Create Cell This will display the Create Cell dialog.
Connect, intersection and origin points are expected to be placed in a specific order and location of a cell. Please check the diagrams below.

Example: For a TEE, the first connect point is located on the main port, the second connect point is located in the run leg, the third on the branch leg.